Toros Morante de la Puebla

José Antonio Morante Camacho, better known as Morante de la Puebla, is an iconic figure in the world of bullfighting, born on October 2, 1979, in La Puebla del Río, Seville. His life and career are deeply rooted in bullfighting tradition, highlighted by a style that recalls the most classic and artistic bullfighting of Seville.

Toros Morante de la Puebla

First Steps in the Ring From a very young age, Morante showed an unmatched passion for bullfighting, facing his first young bull at the tender age of five during the local festivals of his hometown. This early start marked the beginning of his deep connection with the art of bullfighting.

Debut with Picadors On April 16, 1994, Morante debuted as a novillero in Guillena, Seville. In this first appearance with picadors, he shared the bill with Francisco Barroso and Antonio Ignacio Vargas, facing bulls from the Joaquín Barral ranch, which was just the beginning of his distinguished career.

The Alternative: A New Matador is Born On June 29, 1997, in Burgos, Morante took the alternativa, being sponsored by César Rincón and having Fernando Cepeda as a witness. That day he faced bulls from the Juan Pedro Domecq ranch. His debut as a matador in La Maestranza of Seville on April 21, 1998, was spectacular, cutting two ears and demonstrating his innate bullfighting skill.

Confirmation of the Alternative in Las Ventas On May 14, 1998, Morante confirmed his alternativa in the prestigious Las Ventas bullring in Madrid, with Julio Aparicio as his sponsor and Manuel Díaz “El Cordobés” as a witness. The bull for his confirmation, named Hospedero from the Sepúlveda and Yeltes ranch, witnessed his mastery in the ring.

An Unmistakable Style Morante is known for his unique style, evocative of the old and genuine bullfighting, with a handling of the cape that enchants and moves the fans. His ability to convey emotion and art through each movement distinguishes him as a master of Sevillian bullfighting.

Arenas and Recognitions He has left his mark in the most famous bullrings in the bullfighting world, including La Maestranza in Seville, Las Ventas in Madrid, and many others. In April 2023, Morante achieved an impressive milestone in La Maestranza by cutting the tail of a Domingo Hernández bull, a feat not seen in this bullring since 1971.

Morante de la Puebla continues to be a living legend of bullfighting, whose presence in the ring is synonymous with art, passion, and tradition, capturing the essence of classic bullfighting with each performance.

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