Tomás Rufo

Tomás Rufo Resino, born on July 8, 1999, in Talavera de la Reina, Toledo, is one of the most promising emerging figures in the world of bullfighting. Known in the ring simply as Tomás Rufo, his career has sparked interest and admiration since its inception, demonstrating great skill and impressive physicality in each performance.

Tomás Rufo Resino

Promising Start Rufo debuted as a novillero on May 13, 2018, in his hometown, sharing the bill with Abraham Reina and Aarón Rodríguez, facing young bulls from the Fernando Peña ranch. This debut marked the beginning of his rising trajectory in the bullrings.

The Alternative in Valladolid On September 11, 2021, Rufo took the alternativa at the Valladolid bullring, a crucial moment in any bullfighter’s career. He had the honor of being sponsored by Julián López “El Juli” and having José María Manzanares as a witness, two of the great figures of contemporary bullfighting.

Confirmation of the Alternative in Madrid The confirmation of his alternativa took place on May 20, 2022, at the prestigious Las Ventas bullring in Madrid. Julián López “El Juli” repeated as his sponsor, and Alejandro Talavante acted as a witness, highlighting the importance of this event in his career.

Presence in Iconic Arenas Since his debut, Rufo has fought in some of the most important bullrings in the bullfighting world, including La Maestranza in Seville, Las Ventas in Madrid, and the bullring of Pamplona. His skill and style have been acclaimed in each of these arenas, solidifying his reputation as a top-tier bullfighter.

Style and Charisma Tomás Rufo’s style is characterized by his robustness and refined technique, elements that allow him to face bulls with confidence and mastery. His ability to dominate the ring and connect with the audience sets him apart as a bullfighter with great potential and future.

Recognitions and Future In 2022, Rufo was named Triunfador de Hogueras in Alicante, an award that recognizes his outstanding performance during the festival. This recognition is a testament to his growing impact in bullfighting.

Tomás Rufo continues to forge his path in the world of bullfighting with each performance, taking his art and skill to new levels. His passion for bullfighting and tireless dedication promise to make him a legend in the art of bullfighting in the years to come.

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