Juan Ortega Pardo

Juan Ortega Pardo, hailing from the historic Triana neighborhood in Seville, is a matador who has stood out in the bullfighting scene for his classical style and deep respect for bullfighting traditions. Born on October 8, 1990, Ortega has brought the elegance of Seville’s bullfighting to every corner of Spain.

Juan Ortega Pardo

Beginnings at the Camas Bullfighting School Juan Ortega made his public debut on April 15, 2006, in a becerrada organized by the Camas Bullfighting School in Seville, showing early signs of his talent and dedication to the art of bullfighting.

Debut as a Novillero On May 16, 2011, Ortega debuted as a novillero on a card he shared with Juan del Álamo and Víctor Barrio, facing bulls from the Fuente Ymbro ranch. This event marked the formal start of his career in the bullrings and established his reputation as a promising bullfighter.

The Alternative: A Decisive Step On September 27, 2014, in a memorable afternoon, Juan Ortega took the alternativa, with Enrique Ponce as his sponsor and José María Manzanares as a witness. This event was not only a milestone in his career but also reaffirmed his commitment to bullfighting.

Confirmation of the Alternative in Madrid On March 20, 2016, Ortega confirmed his alternativa at the prestigious Las Ventas bullring in Madrid, with Curro Díaz as his sponsor and David Galván as a witness, consolidating his status within the elite of bullfighting.

A Bullfighter of Great Arenas Throughout his career, Juan Ortega has stepped into some of the most emblematic bullrings in Spain, such as La Maestranza in Seville, Las Ventas in Madrid, and La Malagueta in Málaga. His style, which evokes the bullfighting of past eras, has captivated fans and critics alike.

Style and Depth Juan Ortega is known for his classical and genuine bullfighting style, reminiscent of the great masters of the past. His technique, elegance, and handling of the cape and muleta have earned him the respect and admiration of bullfighting aficionados, who see in him a bearer of bullfighting tradition.

Commitment to Education Despite his intense bullfighting career, Juan Ortega has also dedicated time to his academic studies, pursuing a degree in Agricultural Engineering. This balance between bullfighting and academics is a testament to his discipline and dedication both inside and outside the bullring.

Juan Ortega continues to be an inspiring figure in bullfighting, keeping the traditions of bullfighting alive while adapting his art to contemporary challenges. His career reflects his passion for bullfighting and his commitment to excellence in all facets of his life.

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