José Tomás

José Tomás Román Martín, known universally as José Tomás, is one of the most emblematic and revolutionary figures in bullfighting in the 21st century. Born on August 20, 1975, in Galapagar, Madrid, his career has left an indelible mark on the history of bullfighting, marked by his bravery, style, and deep commitment to the art of bullfighting.

José Tomás Román Martín

First Steps in the Arena José Tomás made his public debut at the young age of 12 in a becerrada in Colmenarejo in 1987, demonstrating from then on a talent and passion that foreshadowed his stellar future in the bullfighting world. His debut as a novillero at the Feria de San Blas in Valdemorillo in 1997 was just the beginning of a series of performances that would capture worldwide attention.

A Novillero in Mexico In 1994, José Tomás took his career to Mexico, a country with a rich bullfighting tradition, where he debuted in the Monumental de México. This experience enriched his style and deepened his understanding of bullfighting, preparing him for the future challenges in his career.

The Alternative and Confirmation He took the alternativa in 1995 at the Plaza de Toros de México, with Jorge Gutiérrez as his sponsor and Manuel Mejía as a witness, facing bulls from the Xajay ranch. His confirmation in Las Ventas in May 1996, with figures such as Ortega Cano and Jesulín de Ubrique, solidified his reputation as an emerging star in bullfighting.

A Bullfighter of Iconic Arenas Throughout his career, José Tomás has fought in some of the most important bullrings in the world, including La Monumental de Barcelona, La Maestranza in Seville, and Las Ventas in Madrid. His style, characterized by limitless bravery and impeccable technique close to the bull, has captivated fans and critics alike.

Style and Art in Bullfighting José Tomás’s style is unique, combining daring and skill with the cape that few bullfighters have matched. His ability to handle the cape millimeters from the bull and his audacity in the ring have made him an icon of modern bullfighting, admired both for his courage and his artistry.

Retirement and Legacy Although he is currently inactive in the ring, José Tomás has not ceased to influence the bullfighting world. He dedicates himself to managing foundations he created to promote national bullfighting. His brother, Andrés Román Martín, remains his sword handler, maintaining the family tradition and legacy in the bullfighting world.

José Tomás remains a living legend, a bullfighter whose audacity and artistry continue to inspire generations of fans and bullfighters worldwide. His legacy is defined not only by his triumphs in the arena but also by his ongoing commitment to the promotion and development of bullfighting.

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