Emilio de Justo

Emilio Elías Serrano Justo, known in the bullfighting world as “Emilio de Justo,” is a prominent figure in Spanish bullfighting, famous for his classical style and mastery in the ring. Born on February 16, 1983, in Cáceres, Spain, he has proven to be a bullfighter of great caliber and respect among his peers and fans.

Emilio de Justo

Beginnings in Valdencín His first public appearance was on July 18, 1998, in Valdencín, Cáceres, where he began to show his bullfighting potential. This debut marked the start of a promising career that would soon be solidified in the bullrings.

Rise as a Novillero On April 22, 2002, also in Valdencín, Emilio de Justo debuted as a novillero, confirming his skill and dedication to the art of bullfighting. His performance that day foreshadowed the success he would achieve in the years to come.

The Alternative in Cáceres His alternativa, a milestone in any bullfighter’s career, was held on May 26, 2007, in his hometown of Cáceres. Alejandro Talavante, a key figure in contemporary bullfighting, granted him the alternativa with Cayetano as witness, facing bulls from the Vegahermosa ranch. This event was a recognition of his talent and a crucial step in his career.

Confirmation in Las Ventas The confirmation of his alternativa took place on June 29, 2008, at the prestigious Las Ventas bullring in Madrid, one of the most challenging arenas for a bullfighter. This confirmation solidified his position as a prominent figure in the bullfighting world.

Iconic Arenas and Bullfighting Style Emilio de Justo has fought in the most representative bullrings in the bullfighting world, including La Maestranza in Seville, Las Ventas in Madrid, and the bullring of Pamplona. His style, reminiscent of traditional and genuine bullfighting, is characterized by serenity and precision with the cape, enchanting fans and critics alike.

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