Andrés Roca Rey

Andrés Roca Rey, known simply as Roca Rey, has emerged as one of the most prominent and revolutionary bullfighters of his generation. Born on October 21, 1996, in Acho, Lima, Peru, he has taken the art of bullfighting to new levels, attracting fans from around the world with his boldness and avant-garde style.

Andres Roca Rey

First Steps in France His public debut took place on June 1, 2014, in Captieux, France, where his impressive performance earned him three ears, a clear testament to his talent and determination. This event marked the beginning of his rising career in the bullfighting world.

Rise in Madrid The first time Roca Rey faced the picadors was in the renowned Las Ventas bullring in Madrid on April 19, 2015. That afternoon, he managed to open the main gate, an honor reserved only for those who achieve an exceptional performance, cutting an ear from each bull, sharing the bill with Tomás Angulo and David de Miranda.

A Defining Moment in Nimes On September 19, 2015, in Nimes, France, Roca Rey took the alternativa, the rite of passage that confirms a bullfighter as a matador. Enrique Ponce, a bullfighting legend, was his sponsor, and Juan Bautista the witness, in an afternoon where the bulls of Victoriano del Río provided a worthy challenge for his debut. Roca Rey left the ring on the shoulders of others after a triumphant performance.

Confirmation of His Mastery in Madrid His confirmation of the alternativa occurred during the Feria de San Isidro in Madrid on May 13, 2016. Sebastián Castella and Alejandro Talavante were present as sponsor and witness, respectively. That afternoon, Roca Rey earned two ears from the Mayalde bulls, solidifying his reputation in one of bullfighting’s most important arenas.

A Bullfighter of Iconic Arenas Roca Rey has made his mark in the world’s most prestigious bullrings, including La Maestranza in Seville, Las Ventas in Madrid, and the bullring of Pamplona, among others. His unique style, which combines modernity with a bold spirit, has earned him comparisons to great figures like José Tomás.

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